We’ve been gone for awhile and came back to this:
Here is a map I found from the National Weather Service. Look for the “happy face”:
This is the end of March and the beginning of Spring??? It won’t last long – the temperatures are going up and much of this snow will soon be gone.
Now it’s time to think about Spring and our Spring meeting. We will again have it on Memorial Day weekend but hoping it would be better attended if we had it at night. There may be incentives for attending so watch for future email notes and website postings.
We will elect two new board members at this meeting. Please consider submitting your name for consideration. You don’t have to be a full time resident – you just have to want to be involved with the decisions the board makes concerning the quality of the lake. It takes up very little of your time and you can do it from the comfort of your own home, wherever that is.