Your Bear Lake Association board members wish you all a very Happy & Healthy New Year.
We are planning for a successful 2012 and are asking you to get involved by communicating your comments, ideas, and concerns to us. Together, we can do some amazing things that will continue to improve the lake water quality.
By the way, you may have noticed that the Special Assessment District (SAD) fee has been included in your winter tax bill. Of course, this means that we will no longer be asking for the $50 Association membership fee each year.
The lake has NOT frozen over yet although it’s close. It’s supposed to get pretty cold and snowy here the next few days so it won’t stay this way for very long.
We hope to see you all at the Memorial Day meeting. Have a great and safe winter.
Rich Vervisch, President
Steve Koch, Vice-President
Sam Rahaim, Secretary
Wayne Nesbit, Treasurer