We’re up a little – not where we once were but not too bad. There a very few of Michigan’s 11,000 bodies of water that compare to these numbers.
General News
Petition Update
To date, we have 65 out of 156 lake property owners who have signed their petition to approve the Special Assessment District. Thanks to all of you who signed. For those of you who are in …
June 2011 Secchi Reading
Here is the latest reading along with the past readings. It may be due to, what seems to many, a record amount of pollen. Early July readings have indicated an improvment.
Milfoil Treatment Today
Today at about 10 o’clock, the crew from PLM Lake Management, applied a treatment to the areas of the lake where the Eurasian water milfoil was identified during the last survey. The DNR requires posting …
Gordie Howe Sunfish Regatta
We had a great day for racing; I believe there were 12 sunfish racers. It was a close race but Jim Vervish turned out to be the best sailor in a photo finish. Nice race …
On July 4th, the Winner – Wayne
On July 4th, the Winner – Wayne After a hard fought battle, Wayne crossed the finish line in 1st place to win the carved Eagle trophy remember, Labor Day is just around the corner, and …