The second and final public hearing regarding the creation of a Special Assessment District was held on Thursday, October 20. The only person who spoke was Rich Vervisch, the Bear Lake Association president, who thanked the township board for their due diligence and cooperation. The resolution was passed by a unanimous vote of the board. A $50 fee will now be added to each winter tax bill beginning this year for each parcel ID abutting the lake. Per the resolution, the funds from this assessment can only be used “… for the costs of aquatic weed control and lake management…” Every lake property owner will now be considered members of the Bear Lake Association and no further dues will be collected. Each owner will be informed of the plans the board takes to maintain or improve the quality of the lake and have a say in the proposed action. Your Association board will continue to work hard to bring the lake water back to the high quality of which we have become accustomed.
As a reminder, everyone is invited to our annual Memorial Day meeting. It will be on Monday, May 28 2012 at 9:00 am in the Bear Lake township hall.